Congratulations on becoming a mother!
It is one of the best moments when you see your child for the first time. This time is to cherish and love with so much care and affection. For the first-time parent, it is quite acceptable that you face a few challenges to nourish your baby.
Don’t worry! Baby Go, newborn fashion clothes has come up to share the top facts that you need to know for a newborn baby. So, let’s get into it!Top Facts to Know About Your Baby
Do you know that there are so many funny facts about a newborn baby that can make you surprised and happy? If not, then read below-
1. Babies are Born with the Ability to Swim
Yes, you read the right. Newborns have a natural ability to hold their breath underwater and even move their arms and legs as if swimming. If you enroll your baby in a swimming class, you’ll witness these instincts firsthand!
You can introduce your baby to swimming at any time, but if you plan to take the baby yourself, it's best to wait until after your six-week postpartum checkup. This ensures that you have had enough time to recover before getting into the pool.
When you do take your baby swimming, make sure they stay warm. Opt for a specially heated baby pool or consider using a baby wetsuit instead of a regular swimsuit to keep them comfortable.
2. Babies are Short-Sighted
Newborn babies have a clear vision range of only about 20cm to 30cm (8in to 12in) in front of them. Beyond this distance, everything appears as a blur of light, shapes, and movement. Fortunately, this distance is ideal for your baby to look into your eyes while feeding!
By the time your baby reaches one to two months old, they will begin to focus on a toy when you move it in front of their face. By the end of the fourth trimester, s/he will be able to see close-up colors and shapes with much greater clarity.
3. Birthmarks are Common
Approximately one-third of babies are born with some type of birthmark. The most common kind is a stork mark, also known as a salmon patch or angel kiss. These are pale pink patches that appear on a baby's face or neck and may become redder when the baby cries. Stork marks usually fade away within six months.
While most birthmarks are harmless and tend to disappear on their own, some might indicate a condition that requires medical attention. If your baby has a birthmark or any unusual bumps or discoloration on their skin, it's important to consult your GP for advice.
4. Babies have more Bones than Adult
Approximately one-third of babies are born with some type of birthmark. The most common kind is a stork mark, also known as a salmon patch or angel kiss. These are pale pink patches that appear on a baby's face or neck and may become redder when the baby cries. Stork marks usually fade away within six months.
While most birthmarks are harmless and tend to disappear on their own, some might indicate a condition that requires medical attention. If your baby has a birthmark or any unusual bumps or discoloration on their skin, it's important to consult your GP for advice.
5. Your Baby Loves Your Body Scent
Your baby could smell and taste even before birth. She or he'll soon develop a fondness for your natural scent, which can help soothe and calm them when she's upset. Therefore, it's best to avoid using strong-smelling toiletries during the first few weeks with your newborn.
Your baby has more tastebuds than you do. During pregnancy, they experience a tiny taste of everything their mother ate, and they'll continue to enjoy the same flavors through your breast milk. They might even show a preference for these foods as they grow.
Final Words
Understanding the fascinating facts about your newborn baby can help you appreciate her development and bond with them more deeply. From their ability to smell and taste even before birth to their unique sensory preferences influenced by your diet, these insights reveal the remarkable capabilities and connections she already possesses.
By being mindful of their sensory experiences and nurturing them with your natural presence, you can create a comforting environment that supports your baby's early growth and well-being. Embrace these early moments and cherish the incredible journey of getting to know your newborn baby. To know more interesting facts about babies, stay tuned with Baby Go, Newborn Clothes India.